Rainbow Resource case study

Aim: To present a range of case studies showcasing local government approaches to supporting, engaging and including LGBTIQ communities within municipalities across Victoria.

In addition to showcasing examples of existing good practice, the VLGA Rainbow Resource for Victorian Councils seeks to inspire councils looking to establish, further develop, or diversify their engagement with local LGBTIQ communities.

In shaping the Rainbow Resource, we acknowledge the diversity of councils as well as the means and purposes by which you engage communities generally and LGBTIQ communities specifically.

Case studies selected for inclusion in the Rainbow Resource will seek to ensure a wide range of initiatives that reflect this diversity:

  • WHY:  the purpose of engagement according to local government functions (provider, partners, facilitator / enabler, advocate);
  • HOW: the level of engagement, drawing on IAP2 levels of participation (inform, consult, involve, collaborate, empower);
  • WHAT: the means of engagement (for example workshop and focus groups, committees, projects, events and activities, campaigns, etc);
  • WHO: the target of engagement (for example whole of LGBTIQ or non-LGBTIQ community, specific parts of the community, including with respect to age, gender, sexual orientation, intersex status, location, specific need, etc); and
  • WHERE: the location of engagement (local responsiveness within the context of metropolitan, regional centre and rural councils of varying sizes).

In submitting your case study proposal, please consider the following. Is your case study for example…

  • Specific in focus and intent;
  • Particularly creative, innovative and imaginative;
  • Responsive to a demonstrated local need or interest;
  • Impactful in making a difference or creating a change;
  • A source of local pride for the council and their LGBTIQ beneficiaries.

Please avoid case studies that refer to overarching strategies containing multiple actions.

Where possible, please select a specific initiative that was responsive to a demonstrated local need or interest, was impactful in making a difference or creating a change, and was a source of local pride for your council and LGBTIQ communities.