2019 HART Awards now open

Monday, 18 February 2019

HART Awards 2019 Call for Nominations

Nominations now open


The HART Awards are a partnership between the Victorian Local Governance Association (VLGA) and Reconciliation Victoria supported by Bank Australia and Local Government Victoria (LGV). The awards recognise local governments and community organisations that are Helping Achieve Reconciliation Together - Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal people working together contributing to building and strengthen ongoing relationships, respect and understanding between each other - initiatives that contribute to ongoing local reconciliation outcomes and deserve to be shared.

Councils and community organisations are asked to nominate online. https://www.vlga.org.au/2019-hart-awards-nomination-application

For further information visit our websites VLGA  Reconciliation Victoria.

The HART Awards, being the only one of its kind, recognises local Victorian initiatives and champions that make a real difference in their community and that contribute to local reconciliation outcomes.  

Nominations may be initiatives that demonstrate Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander and non-Aboriginal people working together, and initiatives that have contributed to relationships, respect and understanding and demonstrate a commitment to Aboriginal self-determination.

The 2019 HART Awards will be presented at an event in Melbourne on Friday 31 May 2019, during National Reconciliation Week.

Winners will each receive an award. The community organisation winner will also receive $1000 to support their reconciliation initiatives. 

The short-listed and winning initiatives will be profiled in a booklet and promoted on the websites of Reconciliation Victoria, the VLGA, Maggolee and Bank Australia, to provide inspiration for other organisations and communities.

Nominations close at 4pm Sunday 31 March 2019


Media contact:  Liddy Clark 0403 542 411
                             Aileen Traynor 0438 086 450